So far Lee Roy is doing well. He's been alert and responsive the last couple of days. And boy is he a strong fighter. It took 3 people and double sedation to do an eye exam, because he did want them too :) Don't get me wrong I hate seeing him so uncomfortable, but to see him express it and fight against it when 3 days ago we didn't know if he'd even be alive.
They plan on doing an MRI today (July 26th). And after our family is planning on a little re-union at the Primary Children's hospital.
For all of the help that has been given and offered thank you! It's so comforting to know so many of your are praying for us. I want you all to know that we have felt your prayers, and indeed God's tender mercies and assurances have been with us.
And here the latest pictures:
He sounds like quite a fighter. Hang in there, and we'll keep praying our heads off.
Your whole family is being included in the prayers of our whole family. Consequently you are on our minds alllll day! We are wishing you the best!
I will definitely be praying for you guys and baby Lee Roy!
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