Saturday, July 26, 2008

Family at the hospital

Eleve's parents headed home this morning. They have been such a help to Eleve and making it possible for her to get the rest she has needed.

This afternoon we took the whole family to Primary Children's hospital. That was quite the trip. The children were quite good on the way down.

While there we learned that Lee Roy had been taken off the ventalator and is doing very well. His billiruben count was down so when we got there he no longer had any tubes in his mouth. Lee Roy seemed very pleased about it. He was looking around and wiggling like any normal child. That was very good to see. They did another MRI which show that the blood clot was shrinking. It also showed some areas around the blood clot where tissue had died. They doctors don't know how it will effect Lee Roy, but we are confident that he will recover well.

The hospital visit itself was quite a tiring process. Because of hospital policy only two visitors could be at the bed side at once. This meant Eleve and I had to individually take each child in to see Lee Roy while the other stayed in the NICU waiting room. This was very trying to my patience. Having 4 or 5 bored children in a waiting room just isn't fun. We arrived just before 4 and left at about 6:30. Yikes that visit took about 90 minutes longer than I expected.

So not only were we short on patience but hungry too. Luckely Eleve packed enough snacks to tied us over until we got home.

Half way there we realize we forgot to bring the camera so I don't have any more pictures at the moment. Which is too bad, because he looked so much better.

1 comment:

David said...

We are glad for Lee Roy's progress. I'm certain this has been a very traumatic week. Hopefully things will keep looking better. We are here if you need us.